Practical information

Welcome to Vineyard Nordic Summer camp at Nyhed! We are looking forward to yet another fantastic camp-week where we get to meet God and each other! This document contains a lot of practical information. Read through it carefully so that you are fully informed. 


Here you can find some information about the Summer Camp. Please check to see, if your question is answered in this list. Otherwise feel free to contact

  • There are no specific address – but aim your GPS for Mullsjö.  
  • See google map for the location on this page
  • Coordinates: 57ᐤ53’32.2”N and 13ᐤ50’38.4”E (57.892273, 13.844003)
  • Animals are allowed on the camp, but they can not run free. Dogs have to be kept on a leash in the camping area at all times. They are not allowed inside and preferably not in the food areas. 
  • There are no BBQ’s/grills at the camp – you will have to bring your own.
  • There are no blankets in the Simple Accommodation (Barracks). You have to bring your own sheet, sleeping bag and pillow – remember it can be cold at night.
  • You can bring your own caravan
  • You need to pay for electricity in the booking (option C1: Husvagen med El 350 SEK per night) 
  • You can book a caravan through a private rental company – see the website for links. You must coordinate everything yourself with the owner – payment, parking of caravan and picking up the caravan.
  • You can park your caravan at grass (Gärdet – on the other side of the road) or on gravel/grus (on the hill by Servicehuset/Diskhuset). 
  • There will be the possibility to reserve a caravan spot together with people from your local churches. You must reserve these spots yourself upon arrival. You can reserve max. 1 spots. It is not possible to reserve some seats in advance.
  • New this year – charge your electric car at Nyhem! Nyhem has recently installed charging poles on their campground. More information about the number of poles and price of charging your car will be updated soon.
  • When you arrive at Nyhem you will need to register at the Main office. Here you’ll receive information about where you will be staying and other information. If you haven’t already paid then you can do it here.
  • Another camp begins immediately after ours. This means that we have to clean and pick up after ourselves quickly. Those who stay at Nyhems lodgings must clean their rooms. The mattresses and beddings should be shaken and brushed outside, and the floors swept and mopped. Do not forget to return the keys. All those who have used the common kitchens and bathroom sinks are responsible for cleaning them as well.
  • There are several places where you can wash your dishes:
  1. Servicehuset/Disk Huset (on top of the hill, close to Nyhemshallen and the Caravans)
  2. Gärdet (on the other side of the road – under the tunnel)

We also have Camp doctors and nurses: 

At camp there will also be a list of nurses/doctors to contact each day. The list and phone numbers will be in the Summer Camp folder.

  • Only those who are prepared to work hard with preparations for the camp can come to Nyhem on Saturday.
  • Only those who are registered can count on having food provided. All other must wait till Sunday at 5pm.
  • If you arrive Saturday with your caravan you will have to pay an extra fee of 200 SEK.

We are charging a small fee for the workers and staff coming prior to camp. This is only for workers, project leaders and volunteers arriving early. This is to make sure we prepare enough fika/food and that people are committed to arrive early to work (if other family members arrive early they pay double)

  • Do you need a doctor – contact the Emergency Centre in Mullsjö:
    • Adress: Kyrkvägen 1, Mullsjö, Monday to Friday 8-17
    • Telephone: 0047 0392-143 20
  • Or call Emergency Guidance at Telephone 11777
  • There are a First Aid Kit in the reception and Dining Hall
  • We long to be a church-community where everyone does something to help, where everyone gets to join and serve each other, and where everyone is needed. The same goes for the camp, everyone is free to join in and pray for and encourage others.
  • In addition we all get to serve each other by doing a practical work-task during the week. Everyone will choose a task when they register. These work-tasks are important in order for the camp to function properly. 
  • That is why we ask that you are careful to remember coming to your work-task and that you arrive on time! If you ignore your task the workload will increase for the others. In the past some people have had to do the work of 4 people, which is something we want to avoid at all cost! If for some reason you are unable to fulfill your task you have the responsibility to trade tasks with someone else or find a replacement and let us know in the office. If you already know that you are not able to do your task, please let us know by emailing Thank you in advance!
  • In the dining hall at Nyhem food will be served from Sunday night to Saturday’s lunch for everyone who has pre-ordered meals. You can find the menu on the camps home page. At the Hamburger Bar, the Café and the Nightcafé fast food will be available, such as hotdogs, hamburgers and sandwiches. You are able to use the small kitchen downstairs in Stråkenhallen in order to prepare light meals.
  • Food is served in the dining hall.
    • Breakfast is served at 8.00 – 9.00
    • Lunch is served at 13:00 – 14.00
    • Dinner is served at 17:30
    • See the menu
  • There are options for Vegetarians 
  • Meals need to be booked via the registration system in advance NO LATER THAN June 25.
  • You can buy hamburgers+soda at Hamburger Bar.
  • You can buy nachos, sandwiches and snacks at the Night Café (every night at 22.00-23.00)
  • You can buy Fika,, snacks, ice cream, waffles and coffee at the Day Café (open in the afternoon)
  • You can buy groceries in ICA in Mullsjö (5 km from the camp)
  • Yes, we have a hashtag!
  • Use #vineyardnordensummercamp on your photos and see photos from the previous years!
  • Instagram profile: vineyardnordic
  • The internet connection at the camp are very unstable and unfortunately we cannot guarantee that is works all the time.
  • You can buy a WIFI password when you register for the Summer Camp.
  • The prices is 100 SEK for the whole week.
  • There is a whole fun and wonderful program for our kids during the camp. Go to Kids Camp
  • It is allowed to swim in the lake – please make sure kids are under the observation of an adult. Be cautious at all times!
  • Each evening at 22.00 the Night Cafe opens.
  • Here you can buy sandwich, nachos and snacks
  • Or you can buy an alcohol-free drink at the bar.
  • There will be some entertainment each evening – and a dance party on the Friday Night.
  • Parking is only allowed on the designated places. You are not allowed to drive around the camp area during the camp (only arrival and departure). Park your car outside Nyhemshallen on the big parking lot. If you are bringing a trailer/caravan we would be thankful if you drove your car to the parking lot after you have parked your caravan. You are not allowed to park any cars on the road around the the area because of security. If a firetruck or ambulance need to drive around the loop they need full access. Please respect this!
  • All participants will get a practical assignment during the camp
  • You can choose your own assignment when you register 
  • You cannot write to the Summer Camp team and have them switch the assignment
  • ONLY write the Summer Camp team if you have a special agreement made with someone else – other type of work  – that prevents you from doing your assignment.
  • PLEASE make sure to do your assignment and remember it during the week. We need your help, and we need you at the listed time and place! Thank you very much!
  • Make sure to register before May 31, the price goes up after June 1.
  • When you register you need to pay in order to be fully registered. If not contact Natalie Lomax –
  • Reception is open:
    • Sunday: 14.00 – 20.00
    • Monday: 10.00 – 12.30 + 14.00 – 16.30
    • Tuesday – Friday: 14.00 – 16.00
    • Saturday: 9.30 – 15.00
  • Here you can:
    • collect your key for your booked room
    • register upon arrival and receive a bracelet to wear all week
    • receive your pre-ordered food tickets
  • Vineyard Summer Camp has a lot of people gathered in a relatively small area. It is therefore extra important that we treat each other with respect. For this reason we ask that no one consumes alcohol on the premises and that silence is respected after 23.00. Help us to take care of Nyhem by not throwing garbage or cigarette buds in the nature and make sure to not damage any plant or trees.
  • Showers are included in the registration price:
    • Gärdet shower building (on the other side of the road/under the tunnel)
    • Toilet and shower building between Nyhedsgårdens and Stråkenhallen and the Kids Camp Tent.
    • Nyhemshallen – on the back side/short side.
    • You can also shower in Nyhems Hallen, which you enter to the right, next to the main entrance. The showers will be open in the morning from 7.30AM until evening. 
  • All meetings held in the evenings in Nyhemshallen (19.00) will be streamed, i.e. will be available live on the web. If you have friends who wish to follow along in what’s happening redirect them to our webpage.

Bring your own tent.

  • Please be aware that you have to pay per person, not per tent spot.
  • You can set up your tent almost where ever you want. Please do not use camping spots with electricity, as these are for the caravans, who have booked electricity.
  • Electricity for your tent is available, but limited and the price can be found in the registration form.
  • During all main meeting in Nyhems Hall (09.00 and 19.00) simultaneous translation will be offered into English or Scandinavian, either in headphones available in the Hall. Find the headphones in the back of the hall – or ask the Welcome Team to help you.
  • You can only use Swedish Kronor at the camp. Remember to take money out before your arrival. There are an ATM in Mullsjö (5 km from the campsite)
  • You can also pay with credit card: VISA and Mastercard
  • Enrollment/Sign-up on the webpage: All volunteers must sign up as volunteers through the volunteer form and will afterwards receive and a volunteer code to register online + more info about the different tasks. To register as a volunteer, click here.
  • As a volunteer you work around 4 hours a day. You receive a tent spot and meals for free, and pay a small registration fee. If you choose any other option than tent.You will have to pay for your accommodation. You do not pay the difference between the tent and the choice  – but you pay the full amount of the accommodation of your choice. 

There are is a fantastic program for the youth – Check out Youth Camp here

Area map (click on the map to see a full size view) 

Below is a more detailed map (in swedish).